
 Read Chapter 1 of the Jansson text.  Review the article by Gutiérrez and Gant in the Learning Resources this week.  Review the Code of Ethics by NASW found in the Learning Resources this week.  ...


  Submit a 2page paper in which you approach your chosen case as a social worker:  Describe two issues in your chosen case that would be important for intervention. Identify one evidence-based intervention for each issue (from peer-reviewed journals). How do...


  There are several methods used in determining sample size, what process do you imagine you would feel the most assured using? Why do you favor this method?  In your research please describe the methods used in determining sample size and answer the...


 Post a description of advanced practice and how you believe it differs from generalist practice in social work. Then, address why it is important for practitioners to use theory in advanced practice. Finally, explain how the use of theory relates to the social...

Biology Week 10 Writing Assignment

Bridge the connection  Comprehensive overview of how a pathogenic disease can affect more than one body system. You can choose any pathogen, describe its entry, and the disease it will cause, the body system it initially affect and how it can affect another body...


  Respond to two colleagues: Provide a suggestion for how a social worker could help clients to understand and make meaning of the trauma within the client’s values and belief framework. 1-SAR-  In 1 sentence, identify an existential question with...